At Cavendish School we pride ourselves on having qualified teachers in all subjects, which is not the case for all independent schools.
Apart from teachers, Cavendish School employs learning support assistants because all of our young people have Special Educational Needs. We will give training in SEN to all of our staff members, teachers who have come from the mainstream school, learning support assistants, as it is vital to meet our young people's needs.
When recruiting a new staff member we are looking for somebody who is flexible, resilient but with empathy. We require an open approach and someone with a human touch, since a lot of our young people find trusting adults really hard.
Our recruitment processes follows the guidance in the DfE document Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education as well as the Keeping Children Safe in Education Guidance (updated annually). All staff and volunteers will be required to undertake a Enhanced Disclosure from the Disclosure & Barring Service.