Normal plank
Wide arms plank
Wide leg plank
Side plank left
Side plank right
Leg raise Planks
Wide plank
30 seconds 45 seconds 1 minute
Time capped Rounds of Reps

Click on the attached worksheets for Humanities Acrtivities and PSHE work.
Normal plank
Wide arms plank
Wide leg plank
Side plank left
Side plank right
Leg raise Planks
Wide plank
30 seconds 45 seconds 1 minute
Time capped Rounds of Reps
Jogging on the spot
Standing squats
Jumping Jack's
In and Outs
Mountain climbers
30 seconds 45 seconds 1 minute
Time capped Rounds of Reps
Star jumps
Mountain climbers
Press ups
Flutter kicks
Three rounds of 30 seconds, 45 seconds and 1 minute Reps
Star jumps
Horse stance
Tricep dips
High knees on the spot
Front leg kicks
Bear crawl
Outside leg squats
Two Rounds of 45 seconds and 1 minute Reps
Star jumps
Standing squats
Press ups
Sit ups
Standing lunges
Leg flicks
Three rounds of 30 seconds, 45 seconds and 1 minute Reps
45 minutes
Feet flicks
Heel flicks
High knees
High skip
Rotate shoulders with a skip
Ball drills:-
Throw ins short/long
Short passing 2 touch/ 1 touch
Long passing 2 touch
Diagonal passing 2 touch
Chip pass control & pass
Ball control:-
Chest jump
Headers stand/jump
Keepy ups
Core fitness with a ball:-
Press ups with a ball
Sit ups with a ball
Squats with a ball above head
Jog on the spot 30sec 45sec 1min
Star jumps 30sec 45sec 1min
Burpees and jump 30sec 45sec 1min
Rest/ball work=60 sec only
Press ups 30sec 45sec 1min
Spiderman crunches 30sec 45sec 1min
Superman planks 30sec 45sec 1min
Rest/ball work=60sec only
Sit ups 30sec 45sec 1min
Flutter kicks 30sec 45sec 1min
V sit Russian twist 30sec 45sec 1min
Rest/ball work=60sec only
15/20 min cool when you have completed the session static stretches.
You must complete 3 rounds
10 yard sprints x5
10 yard shuttle runs x3 rounds
Sucide runs 2yrds 4yrds 6yrds 8yrds 10yrds x2 rounds
Skipping 2 minutes
Standing squats 30 seconds
Press ups
Half press up
Full plank
Sit ups
Flutter kicks
Leg drops
Goblet squats
Jumping squats
Burpees and jump
3 min sets x 4 grids
1 minute rest between each set
Total workout 15 minutes
Bicep curls
Over head press
Lateral lifts
Front lift
Over head press and squat
Dumb bell cross over
Tricep lifts
Two rounds of 30 seconds and 45 seconds Reps