

Cavendish is registered with the Department for Education (DfE) as a school catering wholly or mainly for SEND, Social, Emotional and Mental Health students.

Places at Cavendish are available only by arrangement with a Local Authority.  Most Students who apply for places have an Educational Healthcare Plan completed or in the process of being finalised.  Students are admitted to Cavendish if the school, education authority, parents/carers and, on occasions, social services, agree that the school can meet the Special Education Needs of the young person.

We also admit young people who are in full time residential care using the same criteria.  Cavendish is registered with the Department for Education (DfE) as a school catering wholly or mainly for SEND, Social, Emotional and Mental Health students.  

A school such as ours can be suitable to meet quite a range of additional needs, but it is usually inappropriate for students with physical disabilities (unless they are minor) or for those with severe learning difficulties or severe emotional and behavioural difficulties.

We are a non-denominational coeducational day school who accepts students between the ages of 11 and 16 from a number of Local Education Authorities.  We welcome visits from interested parents, carers and Local Authority officers.

A copy the Admissions Policy and Procedures can be viewed on this website.  

Please contact Paula Weekes, Admissions Officer 020 7394 0088 or email your consultation referrals to   Paula also has a secure access to Egress Switch email system; I would request that if you have access to this secure email system that you email through your consultation documentation via this media.


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